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UmA ShAdow

President & CEO | 代表取締役社長

★馬A車道 -ウマシャドウ★
International multi award-winning Boylesque Dancer.

Producer of Japan International Burlesque Festival






翌9月に、カナダで行われたEdmonton Burlesque Festival 2015にて初のアジア人として優勝、




様々なコンペティションにて優勝し、2017年、イギリスにて行われた、World Burlesque Games にて、ワールドチャンピオンに輝く。

同大会にてアジア人が、また、男女混合になってから男性が World Crown に輝く事は、

World Burlesque Games 史上初の快挙である。その後も、男性&アジア人パフォーマーとして、


21st Century Burlesque, THE BURLESQUE TOP 50 2021 (世界のバーレスクパフォーマーTOP50)で、


BHoF2024 ソロ部門(M-EXOTIC WORLD 2024)ファイナリスト、世界トップ13にノミネート。

Switchy World CEO、JIBFプロデューサーでもある。



Miss International Queen 2007では、日本代表の振付、






After gaining experience as a professional dancer in opera houses and dance companies in the US and Europe,

he debuted as a boylesque dancer in August 2015.


 Immediately after his debut, he will participate in numerous Burlesque festivals,

and will be nominated for the competition finalists.In the following September

he won the first Asian performer in Edmonton Burlesque Festival 2015 and also awarded the Best Costume prize.

Asian male first achievement, debut and fulfill the shortest record award.


Starting with the award in Canada, won various competitions including America, Europe and Oceania, and  In 2017,

he won the World Championship at World Burlesque Games in England.

It is the first achievement in the history of World Burlesque Games that as an Asian,

and male performer won this award after being mixed with men and women.

After that, as a male & Asian performer, he got a good result at various Burlesque competitions,

and since 2017 he has served as a competition judge, such as the Burlesque Festival all over the world.


He is 21st Century Burlesque, THE BURLESQUE TOP 50 2021 (Top 50 burlesque performers in the world) Ranked in Top25.

He achieved the feat of being the first Japanese to be nominated. It was ranked again in 2022 and 2023,

achieving a remarkable feat for three consecutive years. BHoF 2024, Solo Category (M- EXOTIC WORLD 2024) Finalist,

nominated in the top 13 in the world. CEO of Switchy World, Producer of JIBF.


Also experienced for choreography, costume design, direction, and performance

for a Japanese representative of Miss International Queen 2007

and who got a 1st runner up at performance division.


He also worked as a  back up dancer for numerous singers,

including at  The Music Awards 2005 at Las Vegas,

USA concert tour, TV Show as a freelance around USA and JAPAN.

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